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Media Release

CANEGROWERS welcomes LNP commitment to Mossman's cane community

CANEGROWERS has welcomed a commitment from Queensland’s Liberal National Party leader David Crisafulli to step up support for Mossman’s sugarcane industry if his party wins the state election in October.

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Please lend us your support

This week I’d like to make a personal appeal to readers to take a small step in support of Queensland’s sugarcane industry.

Media Release

Time for warring parties to get out of the way in mill pay dispute

CANEGROWERS is calling on Wilmar Sugar and unions representing mill workers to prove they are serious about resolving their long-running pay dispute by getting out of the way and letting the independent umpire decide a fair and reasonable outcome.

Media Release

A national biofuels feedstock strategy to give flight to aviation's net-zero ambitions

Representatives from across Australia's agriculture and fuel supply chain have urged the Federal Government to immediately initiate a national low-carbon liquid fuel feedstock strategy to give effect to the ambitious agenda outlined in the Federal Government Aviation White Paper released this week.

Media Release

Sugarcane – a sweet treat for Ekka

Sugarcane has once again proved to be one of the Royal Queensland Show’s sweetest attractions, with up to ten thousand people passing through the industry stand during last week’s Ekka in Brisbane.