CANEGROWERS, the peak body for Queensland's sugarcane industry, has launched a new suite of curriculum-aligned educational resources designed to inspire and educate the next generation about one of Australia’s most enduring and forward-thinking…
CANEGROWERS is warning that a government plan to establish a second public electricity retailer in regional Queensland risks creating a duopoly without providing the price relief that farmers desperately need.
We stand at a pivotal moment - a rare opportunity to build a transformative new industry in Queensland. This is our chance to create thousands of jobs in our regions and inject billions into our state and local economies.
Following the resolution of the long-running industrial pay dispute between Wilmar Sugar and the three unions representing mill workers last week, I urge our sugarcane industry to pull together and get on with the job at hand.
CANEGROWERS Chairman Owen Menkens has urged Queensland’s sugarcane industry to pull together, following the resolution of the long-running pay dispute between Wilmar Sugar and three unions representing mill workers.
CANEGROWERS has welcomed positive moves by Wilmar Sugar and the unions representing mill workers in an effort to bring their long-running pay dispute to an end.