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Media Release

Call for investment in farm best practice program

Queensland’s sugarcane industry has a results-focused suggestion of where the Federal Government could invest some of the reported $1 billion it is planning to commit to the Great Barrier Reef. “We welcome the news today that the Federal Government is planning new investments in projects that make a difference to the…


Australian Canegrower - Jan 2022

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Media Release

Signatures on FTA herald new sugar opportunity

Sugarcane growers are hopeful 2022 will bring new sugar trade opportunities following the official signing of the Australia-UK Free Trade Agreement (FTA). “The signing of the Aus-UK FTA takes the Australian sugar industry a step closer to rebuilding what had once been a strong trading relationship with the United…

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Media Release

Sugar industry welcomes win at WTO

Australia has secured an emphatic World Trade Organisation (WTO) win against India’s price-distorting sugar production supports and export subsidies. Handing down its report last night, a WTO Panel found that India had export subsidies in place which were prohibited under trading rules and it recommended their…

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Media Release

Survey confirms growers at heart of growth

Hard work and a willingness to adopt new technology and practices are behind the positive results in an ABARES survey of sugarcane farms according to peak grower group CANEGROWERS. The Financial performance of sugarcane farmers 2020-21 report indicates improved financial performance and profitability for cane farms…