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Media Release

High hopes for cane season as farm costs rise

The 2022 harvest is now underway for most of Queensland’s sugarcane growers who are hopeful late summer and autumn rain will push the crop above the pre-season estimate to help them meet rising fuel and fertiliser bills. “It’s always a relief to get the season underway and this year is no different after flooding…


Australian Canegrower - Jun 2022

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CANEGROWERS elects new Chairman

Representatives of every Queensland sugarcane region have elected Burdekin grower Owen Menkens as the new CANEGROWERS Chairman. The CANEGROWERS Policy Council of 20 growers has met in Brisbane to elect a Board for a three-year term. Owen Menkens is a cane grower at Home Hill and prior to taking over the family farming…

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Media Release

Growers forge market path for sustainable sugar

Peak sugarcane organisation CANEGROWERS is opening more market doors for Queensland sugar by achieving advanced alignment between Smartcane BMP and a global sustainability program. Following benchmarking and alignment exercises, the VIVE Sustainable Supply Programme will recognise sugarcane produced by growers…

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Media Release

2022 sugarcane harvest needs workers

Australia’s sugarcane growers are worried a shortage of workers could mean they’ll struggle to harvest a good-looking and sizeable crop this year so peak grower organisation CANEGROWERS is calling for people with experience to head north for winter. “This year’s crop is looking bigger than last year’s 30 million…