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Mill sales show confidence in our industry

The news that Bundaberg Sugar is up for sale came as a surprise to many within and outside the industry when it was revealed this month. Not only is Bundaberg Sugar one of Australia’s best-known brand names, the company is also Queensland’s largest cane grower, in addition to being a miller and refiner of sugar. After…

Latest News

What El Nino?

We’re almost three months into the 2023 sugarcane crush and the big dry that our weather gurus predicted has yet to materialise. In fact, it’s been unseasonably wet in many districts over the past two months and as a result the harvest is weeks behind schedule, especially in some of our northern regions. Of course,…

Media Release

Biosecurity breakdown – government failing Australians

Today’s media reports on a new government plan to combat the spread of Red Imported Fire Ants only serve to further highlight the government’s continuing failure to fulfil one of its most basic responsibilities – the protection of Queensland’s environment, industries, and way of life from the threat of invasive pests…


Australian Canegrower - Aug 2023

Read all the latest news in the August issue of the Australian Canegrower

Government failing on biosecurity

We’re almost three months into the 2023 sugarcane crush and the big dry that our weather gurus predicted has yet to materialise. In fact, it’s been unseasonably wet in many districts over the past two months and as a result the harvest is weeks behind schedule, especially in some of our northern regions. Of course,…