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Media Release

NFF farewells tireless advocate – Fiona Simson

CANEGROWERS has welcomed the election of David Jochinke as President of the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) at the organisation’s AGM in Canberra today. Mr Jochinke, a grain and livestock producer from Victoria, succeeds Fiona Simson who stepped down after seven years in the role. “As a foundation member of…

Media Release

Fire ant funding could help turn the tide

CANEGROWERS has welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement of an additional $268 million for the control and eradication of Imported Red Fire Ants, with Chairman Owen Menkens calling the funding essential to halting the spread of one of the world’s most devastating pests. “We have repeatedly called on the…

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Free trade should include a fair go for farmers

As I write this column, Australia’s trade minister is preparing to meet with his European counterpart to discuss, and possibly even agree, a free trade agreement with the EU. Unfortunately, I don’t have a crystal ball, so I can’t foresee the outcome of those discussions. However, if the whispers filtering out from…

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Working together we can achieve much

Disunity is death - it’s a phrase you often hear bandied about, especially in politics. And it’s true, of course, in all aspects of life. Since humans first started battling each other with clubs and stones, the importance of presenting a unified front has been clear. Whether it’s warfare, politics, disaster…

Media Release

Harvest on home stretch

Queensland’s 2023 sugarcane harvest has finally hit the halfway mark with over 50% of the estimated 30.1 million tonne crop now cut and crushed at the state’s 19 sugar mills. Rain early in the season, combined with below par mill performance, had delayed the crush in some districts, but the long expected El Nino has…