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Media Release

STL needs to win back grower confidence

CANEGROWERS is calling on Sugar Terminals Limited to take the first steps on the long road to repairing its relationship with growers following last week’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) where grower shareholders voted down the STL Board’s remuneration report. “Twelve months ago, growers were largely unconcerned…

Media Release

Growers need clarity on Mossman future

CANEGROWERS acknowledges today’s announcement by Daintree Bio Precinct Ltd of the need to place the company and its subsidiaries, including Mossman Mill operator Far Northern Milling Pty Ltd, into voluntary administration. While disappointing for Mossman growers, the appointment of an administrator is a necessary…

Media Release

Growers need to regain control of our sugar terminals

CANEGROWERS is calling on growers to make sure their voice is heard and actively lodge their right to vote. Next Wednesday, 22 November at 2:00pm (Qld time), the Sugar Terminals Limited (STL) will hold its first Annual General Meeting (AGM) since deciding to insource operations at its bulk sugar terminals.…

Media Release

Stepping away from EU deal, the right call

CANEGROWERS has congratulated Federal Trade Minister Don Farrell on taking the courageous decision to step away from free trade negotiations with the European Union rather than sign a bad deal for Australia’s farmers. Minister Farrell was in Japan over the weekend for the G7 summit in Osaka, where it was expected a…

Media Release

A good deal, or no deal for Aussie farmers in Europe

CANEGROWERS, the peak representative body for Australia’s sugarcane farmers, has joined the National Farmers’ Federation in urging the Federal Government to step away from free trade negotiations with the European Union rather than sign a bad deal for Australian farmers. Federal Trade Minister Don Farrell will meet…