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Media Release

Celebrating Smartcane BMP's first 500

Queensland’s sugarcane industry is celebrating the first 500 cane farming businesses accredited in the industry voluntary best management practice program Smartcane BMP. “Together these 500 growers, individuals and families, manage 30% of the state’s sugarcane land at or above industry best practice,” CANEGROWERS CEO…

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Media Release

CANEGROWERS disputes sense of AgForce move

Queensland’s sugarcane growers’ organisation is disappointed AgForce is considering adding a new commodity group to its organisation to represent the industry. "We understand AgForce has chosen to go through a member consultation process on their proposal,” CANEGROWERS Chairman Paul Schembri said. “We are deeply…

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Media Release

Drive for diversity in leadership

Queensland’s sugarcane industry is proud to join the push for more diversity in agricultural leadership in Australia.  In 2020 the growers’ organisation CANEGROWERS has signed up as a partner in a National Farmers’ Federation program which provides mentoring and training to increase gender diversity in leadership…

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Media Release

Water price hikes put regional economies at risk

Sugarcane growers’ organisation CANEGROWERS is urging the Queensland Government to step in and freeze water prices for farmers pending a review and resolution of significant issues not addressed in a recent report. “The recommendation from Queensland Competition Authority that irrigators pay significantly higher…

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Media Release

Calls for transparency on Paradise Dam

Cane growers put the highest possible value on the safety of the communities in which we not only operate, but live and raise our families. For this reason, the industry has been working closely with the Queensland Government on the issue of Paradise Dam and the potential need to lower the dam’s wall due to structural…