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Media Release

Dam demolition starts but questions remain

CANEGROWERS Isis Chairman Mark Mammino says he is in a state of shock seeing demolition work underway at Paradise Dam on the Burnett River. “As a third-generation farmer near Childers, working some of the farmland that my grandfather established 100 years ago, it is a very sad sight,” Mr Mammino said. “As a child I…

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Media Release

Sad day for regional communities

CANEGROWERS is seeking a commitment that resources to cover regional and rural news and issues will be maintained by News Corp when it ceases printing many of its newspapers. “Across the sugarcane regions of Queensland, cane growers are deeply saddened by today’s announcement that many of their local newspapers are…

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Media Release

Move against Reef regs welcome

CANEGROWERS welcomes the attempts by the Queensland Opposition to halt the implementation of further, intrusive regulation on the state’s sugarcane growers. “We’ve spent a decade arguing that the regulation of farm practices, wielding a big stick against growers, is counter-productive to delivering a sustainable…

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Media Release

Water price freeze offers only temporary relief

CANEGROWERS has welcomed today’s announcement from the Natural Resources, Mines and Energy Minister Dr Anthony Lynham that irrigation water prices would remain unchanged or fall in over the next twelve months. “Back at the start of March, when farmers were told by the Queensland Competition Authority it recommended…

Canegrowers logo
Media Release

Test ban risks stranding sugarcane harvest

CANEGROWERS is urging a commonsense, pragmatic and risk-based approach to prevent Queensland sugarcane being stranded at the roadside because of the state’s blanket ban on all driver testing during the coronavirus pandemic.  CANEGROWERS is using every advocacy opportunity and putting forward suggestions which would…