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Media Release

Report reveals $1.3b cost of misguided Reef policies

A new analysis reveals the State Government risks an economic hit to Queensland of $1.3 billion over ten years with its misguided push to cut nitrogen applications on sugarcane crops by up to 30% below industry best practice levels. “We are doing all we can to reduce the risk to Great Barrier Reef water quality from…

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Media Release

Farmers warned of government data siphoning plan

CANEGROWERS is sounding the alarm over a covert State Government move to access data about Queensland farmers in Great Barrier Reef catchment areas. “The Department of Environment and Science is seeking a contractor to identify sources of information about sugarcane growers, graziers and banana producers along much of…

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Media Release

WTO panel puts Indian sugar subsidies in the spotlight

The Australian sugar industry has united behind the government’s escalation of action against illegal Indian sugar subsidies. Australia, Brazil and Guatemala have lodged a joint request with the World Trade Organisation’s Dispute Settlement Body to establish a WTO Panel to investigate and rule on whether India’s high…

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Media Release

Senators should head north to hear Reef regs concerns

Queensland’s peak sugarcane growers’ organisation, CANEGROWERS, will tell a Senate inquiry this month it is time for a thorough review of the way scientific research on Great Barrier Reef water quality is managed and scrutinised.  “We welcome the announcement that the pandemic-delayed public hearings of the Senate…

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Media Release

Questions around Maryborough mill future

Sugarcane growers in southern Queensland say MSF Sugar needs to come clean about its plans for the Maryborough Mill following the news the company is selling farmland.  CANEGROWERS Maryborough Chairman Jeff Atkinson said the mill-owned farms account for 30% of the cane processed at the mill along with cane from…