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Media Release

Analysis opens door for discussions on cane farm rates

A new analysis of the way sugarcane farms have fared when Queensland councils set their rates will inform important conversations between CANEGROWERS offices and local government. “We looked closely at 13 councils with a sizeable sugarcane farming industry, where CANEGROWERS members underpin the local economy, the…

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Media Release

Grower leaders pause in Cairns ahead of busy harvest

Days from the start of the 2021 sugarcane harvest, CANEGROWERS grower leaders are feeling upbeat at an important meeting in Cairns. More than 80 people are at the CANEGROWERS Leadership Forum, including the National Farmers’ Federation President Fiona Simson and grower leaders from every sugarcane region in…

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Media Release

Animation tackles sugarcane issues with reef politics

A sugarcane farmer dragging a ball and chain is the centrepiece of an animation explaining CANEGROWERS key issues with Queensland and Australian government treatment of agriculture in Great Barrier Reef catchments. Made to explain the decade-long sugarcane industry battle against reef regulations, waged while growers…

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Media Release

Tariff tool to help manage farm electricity costs

A new tool developed by CANEGROWERS is helping sugarcane growers make informed decisions about electricity tariffs for the coming financial year. “Electricity is one of the biggest input costs for the 60% of Queensland’s sugarcane which is irrigated,” CANEGROWERS CEO Dan Galligan said. “An annual electricity bill for…

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Media Release

Australia now second biggest raw sugar exporter

Queensland’s sugarcane growers are counting down to the start of 2021 harvest, buoyed by the news that Australia has jumped to second place in the list of raw sugar exporting nations, even with weather reducing the expected crop. “Recently, Australia has overtaken Thailand as the world’s second largest exporter of raw…