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Media Release

Sugar industry leaders building a vision for the future

Leaders from across the Australian sugar industry have met this week to develop a working industry vision for the future. The forum involved representatives from CANEGROWERS, Australian Sugar Milling Council, Australian Cane Farmers’ Association, and Sugar Research Australia. The agreed working vision is: Sugar Plus:…

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Media Release

CANEGROWERS launches course for cane farm profitability

Industry peak organisation CANEGROWERS is encouraging sugarcane growers to register for a TAFE Queensland course aimed at improving farm profitability. “Competition in sugar marketing and the ability to forward price has opened up new opportunities for growers to enhance their profitability,” CANEGROWERS CEO Dan…

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Media Release

Mill decision heralds changes for Maryborough

CANEGROWERS Maryborough says the announcement from MSF Sugar that it will stop operating the Maryborough Mill and instead arrange for contracted sugarcane to be crushed elsewhere ends six months of uncertainty and speculation for growers. “While today’s news about the mill is disappointing for us and the community,…

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Media Release

Sugarcane's top two issues for the new Qld Government

While the Queensland State Election is over, the CANEGROWERS campaign continues for a policy environment in which the sugarcane industry and regional communities and economies can thrive and grow “I congratulate all of the candidates at the weekend’s election for their dedication to the state and particularly the…

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Media Release

LNP promise of new irrigation tariffs welcome

A commitment from the Liberal National Party to reduce electricity costs and establish a set of new agriculture-specific tariffs has been welcomed by the peak sugarcane growers’ organisation CANEGROWERS. “The LNP promise that if successful at the election this weekend, within 100 days of forming government it will…