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Media Release

Tribute to growers on the Cyclone Yasi anniversary

Queensland sugarcane growers’ organisation CANEGROWERS is paying tribute to the resilience of its members a decade on from a horror 2011. “After a sodden 2010 harvest, 2011 started with flooding in January before the 500km wide, severe Category 5 Tropical Cyclone Yasi ripped and smashed through northern regions in…

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Media Release

Call for exemption to cropping land regulation

A State Government move to impose a new bureaucratic process on farmers expanding their cropping area along the Queensland coast is unnecessary and duplicates existing regulation on the sugarcane industry. “Sugarcane growing should be exempt from these proposed new rules in Great Barrier Reef catchments because cane…

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Media Release

Sugar industry farewells a true gentleman leader

Queensland’s sugarcane industry is mourning a man who led growers through one of the most turbulent periods in its history. Fred Soper, a grower in the Marian region near Mackay, was the Queensland CANEGROWERS organisation Chairman from 1982 – 1989. He died peacefully at Mirani on Friday night aged 86. Current…

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Media Release

Industry finds new energy as 2020 season ends

After a challenging 2020, Queensland’s sugarcane crush has ended and growers are looking forward to 2021. “This year’s sugarcane harvest was 29.3 million tonnes in Queensland, a result around 900,000 tonnes higher than the 2019 season,” CANEGROWERS Chairman Paul Schembri said.   “That increase can be largely put down…

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Media Release

Growers ahead of targets for best practice accreditation

Queensland’s sugarcane growers are ending the year on a high. Nine months after hitting the milestone of 500 accreditations, a 600th cane farm business has been independently assessed as operating at or above industry best practice under the acclaimed Smartcane BMP program. “This is evidence of remarkable…