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Media Release

Biosecurity breakdown – government failing Australians

Today’s media reports on a new government plan to combat the spread of Red Imported Fire Ants only serve to further highlight the government’s continuing failure to fulfil one of its most basic responsibilities – the protection of Queensland’s environment, industries, and way of life from the threat of invasive pests…

Media Release

Milestone sugar shipment headed to the UK

Australia’s first raw sugar shipment to the United Kingdom under the new Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement (A-UKFTA) was loaded in Townsville today, opening an important new market for the Queensland sugar industry. Under the new agreement, which came into place on 31 May 2023, tariff-free raw sugar…

Canegrowers logo
Media Release

Is government failing Australians on fire ants?

CANEGROWERS is calling on the federal, state and territory governments to redouble their efforts to halt the march of Red Imported Fire Ants (RIFA), following the release of a damning report on the failure of the current eradication program.   The report, which has been kept under wraps for two years, makes clear…

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Media Release

Queensland cane crush fires up

The 2023 sugarcane crush is officially underway, with harvesters roaring into life across the Atherton Tablelands this week as growers, harvesting crews and mill workers start the race to get Queensland’s 30 million tonnes of cane cut and crushed by the end of November. "The weather is pretty spectacular at the…

Canegrowers logo
Media Release

Once in a generation sugar price

Queensland’s 2023 sugarcane crush is just weeks away and once again growers are heading into harvest with a sense of trepidation and optimism.   CANEGROWERS Chairman Owen Menkens says a recent spike in the world sugar price, coupled with a drop in fertiliser prices, is setting up 2023 as a bumper year for…