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Media Release

Mill decision heralds changes for Maryborough

Date November 25, 2020

CANEGROWERS Maryborough says the announcement from MSF Sugar that it will stop operating the Maryborough Mill and instead arrange for contracted sugarcane to be crushed elsewhere ends six months of uncertainty and speculation for growers.

“While today’s news about the mill is disappointing for us and the community, the confirmation that an agreement is well advanced between MSF Sugar and Isis Central Sugar Mill for our cane to be processed in Childers has provided a degree of certainty for the future,” CANEGROWERS Maryborough Chairman Jeff Atkinson said.

“MSF Sugar has a responsibility to ensure growers are not disadvantaged and that arrangements are made to satisfy its obligations under our current Cane Supply Agreement (contract) with the company.

“While we have been working together to negotiate with the Isis Mill about the option of the contracted cane going there under an arrangement called toll crushing, we do hold concerns over some issues that are not yet resolved.”

CANEGROWERS Maryborough is advocating strongly for growers to ensure the process continues with a sense of urgency. This includes discussing an ongoing agreement with the Isis Central Sugar Mill beyond the two years of any toll crushing agreement.

“We remain confident that there is a bright future for growing sugarcane in the Maryborough region, and we will engage constructively to ensure that happens,” Mr Atkinson said.

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