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Media Release

Growers welcome progress in mill dispute

 A MILLING MILL Northern Victoria BK landscape SMALL
Date September 6, 2024
Author Wayne Griffin

CANEGROWERS has welcomed positive moves by Wilmar Sugar and the unions representing mill workers in an effort to bring their long-running pay dispute to an end.

CANEGROWERS has welcomed positive moves by Wilmar Sugar and the unions representing mill workers in efforts to bring their long-running pay dispute to an end.

Wilmar’s decision to put forward a new Enterprise Agreement offer appears to be a genuine attempt to resolve the issue, CANEGROWERS Chairman Owen Menkens said.

In addition, Mr Menkens acknowledged the decision by mill workers to postpone any further industrial action until after they have voted on the proposal next week, saying it was the most reasonable and responsible course of action.

“These are the first real signs of progress that growers have seen in this dispute in many months,” Mr Menkens said.

“It has been an anxious time for everyone involved, especially farming families and contractors who, despite not being a party to the dispute, stand to lose the most if it’s not resolved soon.

“Mill workers will ultimately decide if this new pay offer is sufficient for them to end their industrial action and allow us to get on with making the 2024 crush a success.

“A week ago, CANEGROWERS launched a public petition and campaign calling for this dispute to be resolved by negotiation or, if that was not possible, for both sides to ask the Fair Work Commission for a determination.

“A negotiated agreement voted on and accepted by the workers is by far the best outcome. But if this cannot be achieved to the satisfaction of both workers and Wilmar, then our position remains that an independent third party needs to decide on a fair and reasonable outcome.

“We have all had enough of the uncertainty and the strike action, it’s time to get this resolved and get on with the season.”

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