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Media Release

Grower commitment to reef recognised

Date February 14, 2023
Author Wayne Griffin

CANEGROWERS welcomes the Queensland Government’s continuing support of the industry’s best management practice program, Smartcane BMP.

Earlier today, Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef Meaghan Scanlon announced $4.47 million in funding for the industry-led program over the next three years. 

The funding is part of a wider $21.71 million package to assist programs that continue to protect the Great Barrier Reef. 

“Today’s announcement of continued funding for Smartcane BMP is a validation of the fantastic results that growers in this program have achieved over the past four years,” CANEGROWERS Chairman Owen Menkens said. 

“Growers right across the industry have embraced the program which validates changes that are providing positive environmental outcomes, while also improving their business’ bottom line.” 

40% of Queensland’s cane-growing area is now independently accredited as operating at best practice. And interest continues to grow, with more growers signing up for the program each month. 

“While 40% might be the official number, when you take into account the number of growers who are implementing best practice on their farms but have not sought accreditation, the actual figure would be much higher,” Mr Menkens said. 

“The Smartcane BMP program is 100% voluntary and I encourage growers to seek accreditation. While we in the industry know we are operating at the highest of environmental standards, accreditation provides a validation that opens the doors to policy and market-based recognition.” 

In just the past few years, more than 500 growers have used Smartcane BMP to document changes to their farming practices. These changes have addressed disease management, weed control, nutrient management, soil health, tillage, fallow cropping, and/or irrigation scheduling.  

“This funding support from the government goes directly to underpin the regionally based Smartcane BMP team, with representatives in each district. The BMP team now has security to build on past successes and continue to assist growers who want to document their farming achievements and become accredited.”

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