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Media Release

Election time in grower-led CANEGROWERS

Date February 9, 2022

CANEGROWERS is calling for members to step forward and nominate for one of the 81 representative positions in the peak sugarcane farming organisation.

“As a truly grower-led and grower-driven organisation, these triennial elections are a very important time for CANEGROWERS,” CEO Dan Galligan said. “In this process, any member can nominate for a position on their district CANEGROWERS board.

“I urge all growers, men and women of any age, who want to be an active part of the sugarcane industry’s future to get involved.

“The strength of CANEGROWERS is the many people who have ideas to put forward and who want to contribute to solving district challenges and realising opportunities for sugarcane growers.”

The 13 district CANEGROWERS boards nominate representatives to the 20-member CANEGROWERS Policy Council, contributing their district perspectives as it investigates, discusses and decides on issues of policy and strategy for the whole industry. Importantly, the Policy Council will also elect the next State Board of CANEGROWERS.

“At every level in the organisation it is growers making decisions about advocacy and action on behalf of their fellow growers,” Mr Galligan said. “That is what has made CANEGROWERS relevant and dynamic for almost 100 years and what will carry the organisation and the industry into the future.

“Growers who have been involved in representative roles always talk about the great sense of pride and satisfaction at contributing and the rewards and camaraderie of working with colleagues from across the industry.”

Nominations are open from now until 25 February after which every member in a district requiring a ballot will have the opportunity to vote for the members of their district board.

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