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Media Release

Drive for diversity in leadership

Date March 9, 2020

Queensland’s sugarcane industry is proud to join the push for more diversity in agricultural leadership in Australia. 

In 2020 the growers’ organisation CANEGROWERS has signed up as a partner in a National Farmers’ Federation program which provides mentoring and training to increase gender diversity in leadership positions. 

“I’m very keen to see some of the amazing women we have within our industry take up the opportunity to join the 2020 Diversity in Agriculture Leadership Program,” CANEGROWERS CEO Dan Galligan said. “Applications to participate are open until 31 March. 

“This initiative has been making a real difference in increasing the representation of women in the leadership ranks of industry, moving agriculture towards the NFF goal for the sector to double the number of women in management roles by 2030. 

“There is plenty of room for improvement if the industry is to take full advantage of the tremendous skills and ideas that are already out there. Currently, only 2.3% of chief executive officers of Australian agribusinesses are female, compared with an average of 17% across other industries. 

“In leadership roles, only 13% of representatives are women, compared with an average of 28% in non-agriculture related industries. 

“While there are many women across our industry in high performance, critical roles already, our objective is to improve the opportunities for anyone to enter leadership in a position and place that they are most interested in.” 

From previous years the Diversity in Agriculture Leadership Program boasts a range of graduates that are currently pursuing leadership roles that influence the future of their industries. 

“By joining this year’s program, CANEGROWERS has committed to working with our colleague industries to open up pathways for leadership for women in whatever way they choose to pursue it,” Mr Galligan said. 

“The program will provide opportunities for candidates to learn from other leaders, build skills and be exposed to a range of other agricultural partners from across the country. 

“It builds on the list of programs and initiatives within CANEGROWERS to encourage everyone who wants to be an active participant in working for a secure, sustainable and profitable future for our industry.” 

CANEGROWERS members can find out more by contacting the organisation or visiting https://nff.org.au/programs/di...

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