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Media Release

Celebrating Smartcane BMP's first 500

Date March 16, 2020

Queensland’s sugarcane industry is celebrating the first 500 cane farming businesses accredited in the industry voluntary best management practice program Smartcane BMP.

“Together these 500 growers, individuals and families, manage 30% of the state’s sugarcane land at or above industry best practice,” CANEGROWERS CEO Dan Galligan said.

“I congratulate each and every one of these growers for the dedication they have put into the future of their industry.

“We are reaching the point where banks and sugar buyers are taking notice of grower accreditation as confirmation of our industry commitment to productivity, profitability and sustainability.”

Through independent audits, Smartcane BMP provides a way for growers to verify their practices and confirm their existing reputation as responsible stewards of their land.

“The momentum over the past year in the program has been amazing,” Smartcane BMP Program Manager Kate Gowdie said. "Reaching the 500 milestone is a credit to the years of work by growers on their farms and our dedicated network of facilitators.

“The program has funding from the Queensland Government until 2022 so I urge anyone thinking of participating to take advantage of the support that is on offer.”

“Smartcane BMP has gained global recognition and is now a valuable tool to underpin the promotion of Australian sugar as a sustainable product on the world market,” Mr Galligan said.

“At the same time it provides an assurance to growers and their communities that they are meeting their requirements around legislative compliance at a local level.”

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