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CANEGROWERS welcomes LNP commitment to Mossman's cane community

 DJI 0002
Date September 4, 2024
Author Wayne Griffin

CANEGROWERS has welcomed a commitment from Queensland’s Liberal National Party leader David Crisafulli to step up support for Mossman’s sugarcane industry if his party wins the state election in October.

Announcing a historic $12.5 million support package at the Rural Press Club in Brisbane today, Mr Crisafulli said an LNP government would commit $6 million to ensuring the viability of a 2025 sugarcane crop in Mossman, while a further $6 million would be used to improve productivity, retrofit the local mill, and help attract new investors.

The announcement, just seven weeks out from the election, will give a boost to Mossman growers who have been facing an uncertain future since their mill went into liquidation earlier this year.

While the current government released a substantial funding package in February to help transport this year’s crop south to be crushed at MSF’s Mulgrave Mill near Cairns, growers have been reluctant to plant or fertilise a 2025 crop without any guarantee their cane would be crushed next year, CANEGROWERS CEO Dan Galligan said.

“Mr Crisafulli should be commended for showing such strong commitment to the industry and for making the fate of Mossman’s sugarcane growing community an important issue at the next election,” Mr Galligan said.

“CANEGROWERS has never stopped fighting to save the sugarcane industry in Mossman. We have been working furiously behind the scenes, meeting with local councilors, politicians, and business leaders, as well as current government ministers and officials, and of course with the opposition.

“Mossman has a long and proud cane growing history and we are determined to do everything possible to see it continue,” Mr Galligan said.

Mr Crisafulli, who hails from a cane-farming family in Ingham, said his party would work closely with CANEGROWERS to determine the best course of action with regards to Mossman Mill.

“My team will not give up on the Mossman Mill that underpins this proud community,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“Our team’s historic investment will give growers the certainty they need to fertilise and to plan next year’s harvest.

“It also gives potential buyers of the Mossman Mill confidence that they will have product to crush come the 2026 season and beyond.”

Mr Crisafulli said a guarantee would be put in place to ensure next year’s crop can be transported to and crushed at Mulgrave Mill.

A $500,000 funding package would also be allocated to CANEGROWERS “to lead new industry development, expansion and increase grower profitability and productivity, bolstering the long-term viability of the local industry.”

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