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Media Release

CANEGROWERS disputes sense of AgForce move

Date March 12, 2020

Queensland’s sugarcane growers’ organisation is disappointed AgForce is considering adding a new commodity group to its organisation to represent the industry.

"We understand AgForce has chosen to go through a member consultation process on their proposal,” CANEGROWERS Chairman Paul Schembri said. “We are deeply concerned about and not supportive of this development.

“The proposal would establish a third voice on cane-growing issues at the state and national level, further dividing Queensland agriculture at a time when we don’t need it – growers and farmers working together are always more effective.

“Sugarcane growers have found great advantage in working within their industry in a way that puts their commodity front and centre on issues specific to their industry and, where it sits with CANEGROWERS objectives, we work with other organisations to achieve a common goal.

“Growers are, of course, entitled to make their own choice about which organisation to join and which one represents their industry and issues best. A choice already exists for growers in the Burdekin region with four existing local grower representative groups.

“CANEGROWERS values and appreciates the fact that the vast majority of growers in Queensland choose this organisation to represent their interests.

“We will continue to do this with our network of 14 offices providing on the ground services and representation," Mr Schembri said.

CANEGROWERS has a long history and in depth understanding of the unique and complex issues and relationships that make up the Australian sugar industry.

“CANEGROWERS is proud to represent Australia’s sugarcane growers on the local, state, national and international stages through membership of organisations such as Queensland Farmers' Federation, National Farmers’ Federation and the World Association of Beet and Cane Growers, and will continue to do so," Mr Schembri said.

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