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Media Release

Calls for transparency on Paradise Dam

Date February 4, 2020

Cane growers put the highest possible value on the safety of the communities in which we not only operate, but live and raise our families.

For this reason, the industry has been working closely with the Queensland Government on the issue of Paradise Dam and the potential need to lower the dam’s wall due to structural concerns.

However, CANEGROWERS was concerned today to learn of attempts by the Minister for Natural Resources, Dr Anthony Lynham, to quietly push through legislative amendments that would enable the government to proceed with lowering the dam wall before any reports into the structural necessity and economic impacts of such action have been completed.

If approved, the amendments to the Resources Safety and Health Queensland Bill 2019 would mean work to lower the dam could begin as early as next month.

“We would urge the State Government to have a more detailed and transparent conversation with the community around this issue,” CANEGROWERS CEO Dan Galligan said.

“It’s reasonable to expect the Minister to consider all of the available government and external expert advice before proceeding with irreversible action to lower the dam wall.

“Everybody wants to ensure that all efforts are made to secure the safety of the community. However, it is also vital to the economic viability of the region that we safeguard the long-term security of irrigation water that the region’s agricultural sector depend on.”

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