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Animation tackles sugarcane issues with reef politics

Date May 17, 2021

A sugarcane farmer dragging a ball and chain is the centrepiece of an animation explaining CANEGROWERS key issues with Queensland and Australian government treatment of agriculture in Great Barrier Reef catchments.

Made to explain the decade-long sugarcane industry battle against reef regulations, waged while growers have been improving farm environmental practices, the animation is available on YouTube https://youtu.be/NheaJ_aEUhs&n...;

“It has been a complex campaign and we need to do all we can to explain the toxic link between unjustifiable farm management practice targets, unfair Reef Report Cards and the state push to keep ramping up regulation on farmers,” CANEGROWERS CEO Dan Galligan said. “Just as important is showing why this scenario angers growers so much. 

“We have 80% of sugarcane growers voluntarily engaged in a program, that is recognised internationally, to improve sustainability as well as cane farm productivity and profitability. 

“But government reef-focussed reporting ignores that effort and tells the industry its failing - it’s no wonder growers are up in arms. It would appear growers are being set up to fail no matter what they do and how hard they work.”

The animation is a unique way of explaining that the industry has an alternative and more successful approachto a sustainable future in the Smartcane BMP program than onerous regulations.

CANEGROWERS successfully advocated for a review of reef water quality targets and the reporting process.

“We welcome the reviews agreed to by the Federal and Queensland environment ministers earlier this year and CANEGROWERS is closely involved in discussions on the terms of reference for them,” Mr Galligan said. “This is a good first step provided the reviews genuinely address the fundamental underlying problems that this animation outlines.”

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