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Media Release

AgForce move means division not unity

Date April 27, 2020

CANEGROWERS Chairman Paul Schembri says AgForce is promoting division and distraction within agriculture in Queensland with its plan to move into sugarcane industry representation. 

"It is disappointing that rather than building on the historic collaboration and cooperation CANEGROWERS and AgForce have shared, the AgForce Board has decided to intentionally work as an alternative voice on sugarcane issues through an agreement with a small group based in the Burdekin,” Mr Schembri said.

“To suggest, as AgForce has done, that setting up another sugarcane voice at the state level is somehow creating more unity within agriculture is an insult to our sensibilities,  especially given their public statement outlining a plan to recruit for members from within our industry.”

While these types of organisational manoeuverings may gain headlines, CANEGROWERS refuses to be distracted and will continue working to ensure the 2020 harvest gets underway on time in light of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as focussing on the core issues that need to be managed to  deliver a profitable and productive future for growers.

CANEGROWERS values and appreciates the fact that the vast majority of growers in Queensland choose this organisation to represent their interests in the unique and complex sugar industry,” Mr Schembri said. 

“We will continue to work on their behalf through our network of 13 regional offices providing on the ground services and advocacy.”

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