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Working together we can achieve much

 Medium Owen Menkens Photos 22
Date October 9, 2023
Author Owen Menkens - CANEGROWERS Chairman

Disunity is death - it’s a phrase you often hear bandied about, especially in politics. And it’s true, of course, in all aspects of life.

Since humans first started battling each other with clubs and stones, the importance of presenting a unified front has been clear.

Whether it’s warfare, politics, disaster recovery, business, sport – if you aren’t working as a unified team, you are unlikely to enjoy consistent success.

It is for this reason that CANEGROWERS has been such an effective voice for the Queensland’s sugarcane industry for almost one hundred years.

With thirteen district offices, one in each cane growing region serving the needs of local growers, and a state office in Brisbane conducting policy and advocacy work at state, national and international levels, this grower-led organisation has achieved many impressive and important outcomes for growers.

From grower choice in marketing legislation, to the introduction of a federal industry code of conduct to address the imbalance of power between growers and millers, CANEGROWERS works tirelessly to improve outcomes for growers, the industry, and the communities we operate in.

We represent 70% of Queensland sugarcane production and we are firmly committed to achieving the best outcomes possible for our members in the short-term, while also constantly working towards the creation of a stronger, diversified industry that is not only a powerhouse of the Queensland economy and a leading player in the

Australian bioeconomy revolution, but also a world leader in the export of traceable, certified sustainably produced sugar.

But to achieve this we need to remain a unified voice. We need to work together and ensure we are focusing on what unites us, what is positive about our industry, and what our potential can be.

I often find that behind the veil of what looks like multiple organisations, the growers at heart are all striving for the same thing. We want strong representation and unifying initiatives that benefit us all. Fragmentation of our messages causes confusion, which results in a less than optimal outcome for all growers.

The CANEGROWERS’ membership profile extends from some of the smallest family farms to many of the largest producers, and everywhere in between.

All our members understand that the success of their business goes hand-in-hand with the success of the whole industry. It’s a team sport.

Through our strength in numbers, we get leverage. Combining resources and perspectives means that we can garner attention from policy makers at the local, state, national and international levels.

This is what working together can achieve. 

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