There’s something truly special and iconic about sugarcane. Grown along 2000km of Australian coastline, from Grafton in northern New South Wales to the fringes of the Daintree in the tropical far north, it’s been a cornerstone of Queensland’s…
The simmering frustrations in Queensland's sugarcane industry boiled over recently, as growers and millers locked horns over an issue that’s been dragging on for years – the difficulty of getting the crop crushed on time.
Once again, Queensland’s sugarcane growers are battling through a challenging season, marked by harvesting delays and frustrations with mill performance.
Turn on the news these days and without fail you’ll hear reports on either the cost-of-living crisis or the housing crisis, or both. In many respects they are related. Prices are going up and whether it’s buying groceries or paying rent, people are struggling to make ends meet. For many people, especially in our…
Footage of ‘rafts’ of Red Imported Fire Ants being swept along by floodwaters in the Rocky Point district and news reports of a nest being discovered near Wardell, 100 kms south of the Queensland border, has left the general public considering something they don’t often think about – biosecurity. For farmers,…
Happy New Year! I hope readers had a peaceful and relaxing break over the Christmas period and are feeling motivated for all those New Year’s resolutions as we head into 2024. It’s shaping up to be a big year on the agricultural advocacy front, with local government elections looming in March and the state election…
With the harvest finally complete and growers, mill workers, and harvesting crews looking forward to spending some well-earned quality time with loved ones over the Christmas break, I had planned to sign off for 2023 with a message of hope and joy for readers. Unfortunately, Mother Nature had other…
For some time now, people within Queensland’s sugarcane industry, me included, have been talking about an industry evolution. We’ve been highlighting value-adding opportunities that will not only boost growers’ bottom lines but will bring employment and economic benefits to our regional communities. These…