Flooding across North Queensland has left many communities facing a long and costly recovery. Homes, businesses, roads, and farms have all been affected, and getting back to normal will take time.
Another crushing season has ended, and once again, Queensland’s sugarcane growers are counting the cost of a broken milling sector.
There’s something truly special and iconic about sugarcane. Grown along 2000km of Australian coastline, from Grafton in northern New South Wales to the fringes of the Daintree in the tropical far north, it’s been a cornerstone of Queensland’s…
We stand at a pivotal moment - a rare opportunity to build a transformative new industry in Queensland. This is our chance to create thousands of jobs in our regions and inject billions into our state and local economies.
Following the resolution of the long-running industrial pay dispute between Wilmar Sugar and the three unions representing mill workers last week, I urge our sugarcane industry to pull together and get on with the job at hand.
This week I’d like to make a personal appeal to readers to take a small step in support of Queensland’s sugarcane industry.
As farmers, we’re very passionate about what we do. We put food on Aussie tables and clothes on Aussie backs.
Recently, CANEGROWERS published a new episode of our Shed Talk podcast, exploring the problems growers face from feral pigs.