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Election season just getting started

 372 A2691 media election
Date April 22, 2024

Local elections might be over, with new and returning councilors appointed across the state last month, but in truth, election season has only just begun.

Six months from now we’ll be heading back to the polls, chowing down on another democracy sausage as we select our next State Government.

And while the date for next year’s federal election is yet to be set, it’s expected we’ll be called upon to do our civic duty once again in the first half of 2025.

Of course, all elections matter, as each branch of government is responsible for different services and policy areas. But, from an industry perspective, the state election is the big one.

The Queensland Government is responsible for many decisions that impact the day-to-day operations of sugarcane farming businesses.

Whether this impact is felt through more red tape and regulation, funding for research and innovation, or backing a new biofuels industry in Queensland, one thing is certain - over the next four years, the State Government will set policies that either smooth the way for industry evolution and growth, or stifle growth, making operating profitably more difficult for farmers.

We all know that politicians prefer to be non-committal unless pushed. Well, in the lead-up to the state election, CANEGROWERS will be pushing for some very firm commitments from those seeking to lead our state.

For months now, the Labor Government has been making all the right noises about Queensland’s potential as a Sustainable Aviation Fuel powerhouse. But pleasant words don’t put boots on the ground.

Building a new and innovative industry from scratch takes money - a lot of money - and to date the government hasn’t made any game-changing investments. That has to change.

It’s not just important for the sugarcane industry, it’s important for our regional communities, it’s important for the Queensland economy, and it’s important for Australia meeting its emissions reduction targets.

Of course, this is just one of the many issues we’ll be pressing politicians on in coming month.

Bread and butter issues like energy and water prices, research funding, and partnering with industry on environmental and other issues are also high on CANEGROWERS’ agenda.

The countdown to October 26 has begun. It’s time for our future leaders to start telling us how they plan to lead Queensland in a positive and prosperous direction.

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