Access the best cane-specific cover on the market
Queensland is a beautiful place to live, but it can also be volatile and unpredictable. Making sure you have the right insurance cover is so important. CANEGROWERS has a team of qualified insurance professionals ready to work with you on all of your insurance needs.
Why choose CANEGROWERS Insurance?
As a Queensland-based rural insurance provider, with brokers located across all cane growing regions, CANEGROWERS Insurance is committed to providing the best cover possible to our farming families and the regional communities they support.
Our dedicated brokers prefer a personalised approach to insurance cover, delivering our services professionally, consistently, and in the manner most convenient for our clients, whether that’s via email, on the phone, or over a cuppa in the farm shed.
We pride ourselves on providing cover to protect what is most precious to you.
What we offer
- Experienced insurance representatives located across Queensland
- We work with you, offering a personalised service
- We provide on farm services for cane growers
- We offer insurance solutions for specific needs
- We are community focused and understand local issues
- Identify your risk and provide you with general advice
- Review your insurances on an annual basis
- Negotiate renewal terms with existing and/or other providers
- Make changes/updates to your current policies
- Assist with the lodgement of claims and monitoring settlement of the claims
- Provide professional and technical advice
- Access to a broad range of underwriters, both commercial and domestic insurance and underwriting agencies handling special risks
- As a member of Steadfast, we have access to over 200 insurance markets
- We provide Rural Insurance but also cover the full range of other products
- We are not for profit - meaning all profits go back into supporting the industry
- Farm insurance, including Farm Motor Insurance
- Commercial, business and liability insurance
- Commercial Motor
- Professional Risk Insurance, which includes public liability and management liability
- Statutory Liability
- Cyber Insurance
- Earthmoving Equipment Insurance
- Private Motor Vehicle Insurance
- Home and Landlord Insurance
- Cover for your boat and caravan
> With CANEGROWERS Insurance you have more flexibility and choice of underwriters and policies
> Your local representatives will source the most suitable policies and negotiate the best terms for you
> CANEGROWERS Insurance can obtain cover and quotes on your behalf for most of your insurance needs
CANEGROWERS' experienced insurance professionals service all sugarcane regions in Queensland

Far North Qld
Far North Qld

Brad Hancock
Call: 0408 630 426
Authorised Rep No: 1260270

Herbert River
Herbert River

Frank Scardamaglia
Call: 0475 818 800
Authorised Rep No: 1288421

Burdekin - Proserpine
Burdekin - Proserpine

Racheal de Koning
Call: 07 4790 3606
Burdekin email:
Proserpine email:
Authorised Rep No: 1242975

Geoffrey Youngs
0438 787 297
Authorised Rep No: 335071
Kaylah Giddy
07 4944 2615
Authorised Rep No: 426680

Wide Bay
Wide Bay
Financial Services Guide
Southern QLD & Northern NSW
Southern QLD & Northern NSW
Financial Services Guide
CANEGROWERS Insurance is a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR No 297969)
for Community Broker Network Pty Ltd | ABN 60 096 916 184 | AFSL 233750.
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General Advice Warning | Statement of Services
Solaris Insurance Brokers ; (CAR 297969 | ABN 94 089 992 969)
Corporate Authorised representatives of Community Broker Network Pty Ltd | AFSL 233750 | ACN 096 916 184