CANEGROWERS Member portal
As a member of CANEGROWERS you receive exclusive offers, tools and resources via the CANEGROWERS online portal.
The portal makes it easier for members to set up their own easy-to-remember login details.
Once inside you have access to assets that have been specifically designed for sugarcane growers, such as a Cost of Production tool and Sugar Price Ready Reckoners, legal advice articles, marketing information and updates, transport guides, and exclusive membership offers.

Legal services
Legal services
CANEGROWERS legal adviser, Chris Cooper, provides legal services to individual growers.
Cost of production tool
Cost of production tool
CANEGROWERS has developed an easy-to-use portal to help you calculate your own cost of production.
Marketing Information Service
Marketing Information Service
This is an independent service offering you detailed analysis on the market's movements to assist you in your marketing choices.
Electricity Tariff tool
Electricity Tariff tool
This spreadsheet uses an individual farm's pumping equipment and electricity usage to calculate the best option from the tariffs available.
Transport resources and guides
Transport resources and guides
These tools are designed for members needing to move farm vehicles and equipment on public roads.
QFF farmer benefits
QFF farmer benefits
Through CANEGROWERS' membership of the Queensland Farmers' Federation, all grower members are eligible for an extra range of services.
Qantas Club Membership
Qantas Club Membership
Qantas offers CANEGROWERS members access to their corporate rate for Qantas Club Membership.
Health insurance
Health insurance
CANEGROWERS has partnered with Queensland Country Health Fund to offer Members a Corporate Health Plan