Paddock to packet & beyond!

There are so many interesting career pathways in the sugarcane industry

Agriculture is a growing and vibrant industry with diverse jobs for all kinds of people. 

Whether it’s working on farm using the latest technology to grow crops, driving a harvester, haulout, cane train or truck, working at a sugar mill producing sugar crystals and bioproducts, working in a lab developing new breeds of cane and fighting diseases, or pounding the halls of power and working with government to get better outcomes for the industry, there is something for everybody in the sugarcane industry.

Discover just a few occupations and professions available in the sugar industry
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  • Sugarcane growers and managers
  • Harvesting contractors and haulout drivers
  • Fertiliser and chemical representatives
  • Plant breeding researchers
  • Agronomists, biologists and entomologists
  • Truck, train drivers and logistics operators
  • Mill and bulk sugar terminal workers
  • Sugarcane analysis laboratory technicians
  • Chemical, mechanical and electrical engineers
  • Tradespeople and apprenticeships
  • Policy and advocacy advisors
QFF Careers in Agriculture
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Choosing careers is tough, but understanding the different roles and jobs that exist is one great step forward. Queensland Farmers' Federation has put together a very useful guide to Careers in Agriculture.

Find your job here
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CANEGROWERS members list their positions vacant on the Classifieds section of this website. If you are interested in one of these vacancies, please contact the grower directly.

Find your job here