For Industry

Government Engagement

Working for growers

A strong voice for Queensland's cane growers

On every issue, from council rates to international trade agreements, CANEGROWERS has a seat at the table to ensure the needs of growers, the industry, and the regional communities we support are heard and understood by the decision-makers in government.

We work closely business and community leaders, councilors, members of parliament, ministers, and government departments at all levels protect the interests of growers and the industry. 

Local Government
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CANEGROWERS engages with local councils across cane-growing communities to address challenges and opportunities facing growers and the industry. This is done both at the individual district office level and also at the state office level, depending on the nature of the issue.

CANEGROWERS offices have run successful campaigns on biosecurity, planning, and rates-related issues across a number of local government areas. We have also worked with local councils and chambers of commerce to successfully lobby the State Government on issues that impact growers, such as securing a $12 million assistance package for Mossman following the closure of the local sugar mill in 2023.

Queensland Government
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CANEGROWERS negotiates and advocates with the Queensland Government both directly and through our membership of the Queensland Farmers' Federation. On behalf of growers, we seek to influence government policy on issues that could impact growers, such as water and electricity prices, environmental regulations, Smartcane BMP, and research and development funding priorities.

Over the years, this representation has led to countless wins for sugarcane growers. From small wins like securing the extension of disaster recovery funding, to more important successes like ensuring government reef inspectors don't target Smartcane BMP accredited growers, to industry scale victories like securing amendments to the Sugar Industry Act, guaranteeing choice in marketing for growers.

Australian Government
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CANEGROWERS engages with the Federal Government both directly and through our membership of the National Farmers' Federation. CANEGROWERS representatives often travel to Canberra to meet with government ministers and officials to advocate on behalf of growers and the industry.

Federal ministers in important portfolios such as Agriculture, Trade, and Environment regularly consult and seek advice from CANEGROWERS on issues that may impact the industry.

CANEGROWERS participates in NFF campaigns on issues that impact all of agriculture, such as the recent successful Scrap the Tax campaign, which opposed the Federal Government's proposed biosecurity levy on farmers. CANEGROWERS, alongside NFF, was also instrumental in convincing the government to reject a bad trade deal with the European Union that would have locked in poor terms for Australia's sugarcane industry.

CANEGROWERS, through our work with the Federal Trade Minister and close relationship with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, was also instrumental in securing an excellent outcome for Australian sugar in the 2023 Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement.